Well, the dust has fallen a little bit. The Blog of Daniel is keeping pretty good updates, so I won't repeat their work here.
I think the best review was written by Real Live Preacher. He didn't like it because it was bad, and reminded all the readers that Hollywood, well, it doesn't care about Christians. It cares about profits. Christians may not be able to change Babylon, but they can surely change themselves. Kendall, Fr. Jake, and AKMA also make some comments.
The comments from the parish ranged from "excellent Friday night entertainment" and "this is Exactly what the Episcopal Church needs" to "I hated it. It was just too much bad stuff - drugs, fornication, drugs, and... who lives in a house like that?" This priest does NOT live in such a house, although I do live in Westchester county. I do not have a stash of weed or painkillers.
Really. Just a bottle of Oban, 14yrs. A GSM from Australia on my wine shelf.
I've been hearing that there is some frustration at the lack of reverence towards the priesthood, although, I think that the veneer of all professions deserves some demystification. I'm also pretty sure that most people who watch TV can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Noone will confuse me with Aidan Quinn. And if they did... well I'd get a lot more dates.
I was also asked if I thought that this would be something the church could use as a teaching tool. Well, no.
I mean, I use Star Trek, Law and Order, The Simpsons and Buffy as sermon fodder, so I suppose I could use anything. But there isn't much special about this show, although I confess some amusement that finally, we Episcopal priests get our own show. I think of the Wilde quote: the only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about.
But that's my own issue.
If you've missed the earlier comments, you can link in order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.