OK - so there's Jesus. Jesus clearly isn't helping him drive. He seems like a nice guy, but I do not approve of the robes. I think a simple polo and jeans. Maybe a Borsolino hat. Or even he could have been a bit more like a Palestinian Jew rather than a tepid hippy psychotherapist. Or even a contemprary Hasidic Jew.
Missed part of it - surfed to that Denzel movie...
Father is now playing golf with Roger Paxton, who seems old money rich. Just found out that there's been an embezzlement by his brother-in-law. Father is going to avoid a scandal by not going to the police.
Sounds credible - the whole avoiding the police thing. Webster then goes to the mob priest to find his brother.
Suddenly, Pastoral Care! It was nicely done, actually. With Jesus waiting for him. It is kind of like that. Sometimes.
The daughter is appropriately ... what's the word... "insouciant" or "petulant."
The mob priest finds the brother in law. Calling from a very cheesy Italian Restaurant, the priest reports yes, he did have objects stuffed up his rectum. Can't fathom what the monsignior thinks of us Episcopalians after that. Of course Episcopal embezzlers would have things stuffed up his ass.
[Fr. John, remember, its a comedy].
I'm not sure if Catholics or Italians should be offended.
It is kind of funny though.
Clearly this drama is less about the church than about... a contemporary upper-middle class suburban family. The Episcopal priest angle actually forces makes the drama a bit more interesting. Or ridiculous.
The siblings come together through anime.
Father reports to the Bishop. The bishop has everything laid out, and describes a night out on the town with the other bishop [hmm...].
You would believe that bishops have it good.
Father then apologizes to Jesus for threatening damnation. Maybe Father should have said "woe..." instead.
Father asks Jesus what to do. Jesus says, life is hard. that is why there is such a nice reward at the end.
That's not comforting, says the priest. Jesus then makes a jab at Episcopal self-help books. Could this Jesus be just a little less... predictable. Maybe change his duds or smoke a bit?
This Jesus just isn't working for me.
Father then preaches the "nice reward" at the brother in law's funeral, which, BTW, does NOT get preached by most Episcopal priests.
It is just not pastorally sensitive - especially when the person's embezzled 3.2 million dollars.
Fade into a stained glass of a Quinn running after the widow.