There it is: Webster's sister-in-law is a lesbian. "She went to Vassar," quips the Daniel's wife.
The sarcasm isn't convincing. Quinn acts to make up for it.
"I'm reuniting us with the catholic church." In other words, we need to use our mob connections. I have said that the Catholic church was like the mob, but I was kidding [ahh yes, so are they...].
Back to manga. Looks like the daughter seller has matched the dominitrix with superpriest. that is kind of hot, actually.
Webster then calls his gay son "so gay." Whatever [rolling of the eyes. Major rolling of the eyes.]
And yes, the bishops are getting it on together. Now THAT's sleazy.
Webster and his wife are - oh no! having sex on Monday. Excitement abounds.
Need more visual.
Wife asks not to socialize with wax figures. Wants to get another job.
Stud son and Paxton daughter now getting it on in a parking lot. Evil wife Paxton spies.
I'm getting a drink. Two.