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Feb 09, 2006


Phil? Phil?

Where are you Phil?

chip m anderson


He would have? Now that's interesting that you could know thing I do know is that God put in the Bible over a 1000 references that indicate His people are to take care of the poor, help the poor, feed the poor, don't rub from the poor...making up this idea that the poor has to "work" for the help is, as you put it, "Not in the Bible." The righteous nation takes care of the poor--not that IS in the bible.

John Wilkins

chip. Sorry. i was being sarcastic. If you check out my witness articles you'll find out what I really think.


i am the teacher of poor students they have not good cloths and i am giving them free study and the students want to do something in the world so plzzz help them also

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