Bush has submitted his budget. Here are some highlights from the CBPP.
The Administration’s own numbers indicate that the President’s budget proposals would increase deficits by $192 billion over the next five years, compared to what deficits would be if current laws and policies remained unchanged.[1] Indeed, data contained in Administration budget materials show that deficits would total $760 billion over the next five years without the policy changes the Administration is proposing, but would total $952 billion with those policy changes.
What's the problem with deficits?
Here are some things we surely don't need:
- The Commodity Supplemental Food Program, which provides nutritional food packages for less than $20 a month to more than 400,000 low-income elderly people, one-third of whom are over age 75;
Perhaps they should start working again. For Wal-Mart, if they can't get a job with Halliburton.
- The Preventive Care Block Grant, which is operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and provides grants to states for preventive health services for underserved populations;
As long as they stay out of my gated community. They probably eat and smoke too much anyway. The trick - eat more fruit and vegetables. Just get a bunch of flyers and post them everywhere. Cost $100 bucks.
- The TRIO Talent Search program, under which
colleges and universities — in many cases, Historically Black Colleges and
Universities — assist disadvantaged secondary school students (two-thirds of
whom are minority) by providing them with academic, career, and financial
counseling so they will better be able to finish high school and attend
Look - then they'll compete with advantaged students. Is that fair?
- The Community Services Block Grant, which provides funding for a range of social services and other types of assistance to low-income families and elderly and disabled individuals.
I thought Wal-mart was doing this.
The poor, the elderly and disabled - always wanting something for nothing. If they come to my church, I make them WORK! "God helps those who help themselves."
That's not in the bible, but God would have put it there.
Oh - and no, there's nothing about Iraq and Afghanistan after 2007. Those will be "emergency" appropriations" or something.
And it looks as if the administration is ready to do some dirty tricks in Bolivia. Woo Hoo! A coup!
Phil? Phil?
Where are you Phil?
Posted by: | Feb 12, 2006 at 06:57 PM
He would have? Now that's interesting that you could know that....one thing I do know is that God put in the Bible over a 1000 references that indicate His people are to take care of the poor, help the poor, feed the poor, don't rub from the poor...making up this idea that the poor has to "work" for the help is, as you put it, "Not in the Bible." The righteous nation takes care of the poor--not that IS in the bible.
Posted by: chip m anderson | Feb 16, 2006 at 07:08 AM
chip. Sorry. i was being sarcastic. If you check out my witness articles you'll find out what I really think.
Posted by: John Wilkins | Feb 16, 2006 at 11:38 PM
i am the teacher of poor students they have not good cloths and i am giving them free study and the students want to do something in the world so plzzz help them also
Posted by: sheraz | Jun 18, 2006 at 09:33 AM