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Mar 05, 2006


D. C.

When she came up to present one of the awards, I immediately thought of you, and told my wife about your ... interest in Ms. Hayek. If she's not married, some kind soul in the Hollywood blogosphere needs to arrange an introduction for you.

John Wilkins

She's single, and apparently enjoying it. So am I. And we have similar interests. But aside, if you pray to God, and an image of Salma Hayek appears, is it Salma, or Jesus Christ?

Phil Snyder

Salma is evidence of a loving Creator :). While she is in the image of God, she is not an image of God. If I prayed to God and received an image of Salma, I would wonder about the state of my soul. However, if I prayed for to see the most beautiful woman and an image of her appeared, I would trust that I had connected with the God who created the universe. :0

Phil Snyder

John Wilkins

I think it depends on the consequence of such an image. The disciples did not recognize Jesus except when he declared peace. I think such an image could convey peace and admiration. What if an image of Mary appeared, and it was the face of Salma?


You beat me to it. I was going to post the very same photo too and yes I


and yes I thought of the Salty Vicar when I saw her up on stage :-)

J. C. Fisher

I could not agree w/ you more, Salty! (She's deeeeelish! ;-p)


I hate to burst your bubble, but ...
OK, nevermind, I won't.

David Huff

Ahhh...sigh. Salma.... (/me places hand over rapidly beating heart & gets blissful look on his face)

I'm with Phil and JCF here ;)

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