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Jun 16, 2006



I finally learned to make my way around adobe acrobat yesterday - I have been struggling...I read all the nominees' letters. I sort of leaned toward Nevada. Maybe because she is a woman, maybe because she sounded like a priest I admire, Barbara Brown Taylor - I don't know her, just what she writes.


Oh, I think I figured it out - I suspect they both own an iron. Yeah, I'm still sting from that.;-)

D. C.

I liked Schori because she's a scientist; she's of that peculiar tribe that prides itself on facing the facts no matter what and, as a result, has contributed more good to humanity (not unmitigated, of course) than any other.


a couple of ccomments: an interesting historical tidbit for anyone at convention or reading about it. It was on this day in 1858 that a young senatorial candidate from Springfield,IL gave a speech about slavery where he said " A house divided against itself cannot stand."

And, John, given my domestic inclinations, I volunteer to bake the cakes - I do a mean coconut cake with lemon or raspberry filling, or my Armagnac prune cake with cognac glaze...

D. C.

Looks like you got your wish....

D. C.

Whoops; posted to the wrong thread.

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