Lets have our own Lambeth.
We don't need an English Lambeth.
We can have it somewhere else.
Someplace tropical and idyllic, like the Maldives.
We can have our own "pope" who's only power is to choose the people on the committee who will select the caterer. He can be the Archbishop of the Maldives.
Or we can have it in Canterbury MD.
And we can invite whoever we want. The casual English. The friendly Nigerians. We can even invite Orthodox Bishops and RCs who have a bit of extra time. Invite some AME Zion bishops also. Lutherans.
We will make no doctrine. We will comment upon the state of the world. If necessary, we will predict Jesus' imminent return or repeat that the Kingdom is very near. It always is.
Theological conversation will be kept to a minimum, unless there is copious amounts of whiskey.
All we would do is talk, gather, dance and eat.
We'd tell each other stories about the power of the spirit. We'd share hats. We'd make hats for those denominations that didn't let their bishops have nice hats.
And the first order of business?
Disestablishment of the Church of England.
Could someone from the United Church of Christ join in? Afterall, we have a common history.
Posted by: Chuck Currie | Jul 07, 2006 at 09:31 PM
But first, who will get the hats? Or can you share them?
Posted by: John Wilkins | Jul 07, 2006 at 09:49 PM
finally someone with the message I want to hear
Posted by: Bruno Finocchio | Jul 08, 2006 at 05:35 AM
This requires serious thought. How many hats? How pointy? Can everyone wear one? Can women's hats be pointy, too?
It would foster community if everyone was wearing a hat in the ecclesiastical Conga line after dinner.
Sorry to sound flippant, but having a party seems like a better response than endless rounds of hand-wringing over who refuses to walk with whom, and in what order.
Posted by: ginny | Jul 08, 2006 at 10:09 AM
I am of the Any Excuse for a Party Party, but I'll be there with bells on if I get to wear a cunning hat.
Posted by: Sr. Mary Hasta | Jul 10, 2006 at 10:00 AM
I'm there. Conflicts are to be resolved with a friendly game of Twister. I'd allow a dance contest option, but you'd kick my butt, Salty.
Posted by: Tyler Simons | Jul 11, 2006 at 10:21 AM
Oooh! Are the Canadian Anglicans invited? We've been feeling a little left out lately. :(
Posted by: | Jul 25, 2006 at 10:04 AM