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Sep 02, 2006



We will, of course, stay tuned, Salty. I have plenty of room for your RSS feed! I am wiser for pondering your thoughts here. My prayers for Godspeed and a strong tailwind your next project.


Typos in valedictions. Sigh.
"a strong tailwind in your next project."

William Sulik

Hey Rev. I disagree with you on most things theological, but I appreciate your voice and tone. I hope you will continue to leave comments on T19.


"Let the reader, where we are equally confident, stride on with me; where we are equally puzzled, pause to investigate with me; where he finds himself in error, come to my side; where he finds me erring, call me to his side. So that we may keep to the path, in love, as we fare on toward Him, 'whose face is ever to be sought.'"

-- Augustine of Hippo, The Trinity 1.5


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It seems that everything removes God's grace these days.

Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, moral expectations, piety/purity...


" why would homosexuality be an abomination to Christians?"

The answer is simple. Any sin before God should be an abomination before 'Christians'. In calling oneself a Christian, one should be affirming that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour.

That 'Lord' criteria is important. It says that I no longer see the world through my own personal value system, but conform to the ideas and values of my Master. To do less would be taking Christ's name... and doing it shame.

Biblically (which should be the litmus test for Christian views, not community standards or people) it is clear that God abhors homosexuality... as he does any sin.

A homosexual though is no better or worse than ANY man since we have all fallen and are sinful (1Jn 1:8), and no sin is better or worse than any other (see James 2:10). Though we are to hate the sin, we are always to love the person.

Loving someone does not mean telling them that anything they do is ok. Loving someone means caring enough about them to tell them when they are doing wrong... though we are to speak the truth with love (Eph4:15).

Is homosexuality wrong? Perhaps not in the eyes of my community, or my neighbour... but it is in the eyes of God. The question is; who will I listen to, God or man? Who will I serve; myself or Christ?

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