That would be a great reason to go. England beat Trinidad. This bodes well for the true church.
it's my 10th anniversary to the ordination today, June 15th.
The Daily Episcopalian reports that ECUSA did vote on the Cucumber Sandwich being the official food of the church. He does not report if it won. I hope it didn't. The proper dish is either Jamaican Beef Patties or Chicken Tikka Masala, even if I mentioned that this convention was about cucumber sandwiches.
Rowan gives a big "hello" but a theologian friend of some prominence really wants to kill him. "say, mr Cantuar, we will truly enjoy seeing you this year."
"Um, my calandar is full."
"Full? You always come. At least for tea on Sunday, when we elect our Mostest of the Rightest."
"Um, no, I've got to go bless some small animals, read some Balthazar and brush up on my Latin. And my hat is very messy. Been meaning to take it to the cleaners."
"Well we could change the date."
"Uh, no, I'm pretty packed."
"when is a good time for you."
"Uh, never. Is never good?"
I always knew Greg hated pink, but he also hates green. One thing for certain, he still gets his news from Fox. I think he can tell the difference between universalism and paganism. One thing for sure, he wants a fight.
Good to see the Episcopal church support the Peace Movement in Israel, rather than the handful of Republican Jews who control AIPAC, and a rational, pro-market policy for Cuba. You would think that if a policy hasn't worked for 46 years you might want to change it. Just an idea.
But not too soon. Once that happens, getting a cheap cuban will be impossible!
Greg Griffiths redefines sociopath and reveals his anti-theological tendencies. I think he defines "sociopath" as one who makes a really stupid comment. Greg knows whereof he speaks. He is clearly sociopathic. In this new sense, that is.
Matt is unsure of why liberals are so friendly (its because they are taking over the world!!). That's why we are so good at charity. We want to take over the world with our Gay Agenda. Which is Jesus.
Oh, but that's your agenda.
We can share. If you want.
Here at Seabury, with 8 other priests who love the church - from center to liberal to radical, all working in parishes of varying sizes, we just want to get to work at loving the Lord. And in the end, our suspicion is that conservatives will just keep taking and taking. Nothing will make them happy. charity is beyond them.
They can spend their time worrying about gay sex. For us, we've got a mission. Bishop Curry preaches the word! Via
Follow me--and I will make you more than you ever thought you could be! Follow me--(applause drowing out some words) Follow
me, and I will show you a life of love, that hate cannot defeat. Follow
me, and I will show you a life of justice that injustice can *never*
tear down. (Amen) Follow me, and I will show you life that not even the power of death can take away.
shall receive power. We have already received power, for the Holy
Spirit has already come among us, and we are His gifts. So go forth.
Witness to a love that will not let you go. Witness to a compassion
that knows no bounds. Witness to a kingdom and a dream of God, where
all of us can find life, and hope, and happiness.