De Long quotes his father on Google's decisions regarding China.
... what should Google do? Google should do
what Google does, which is search engines. Google is not a Chinese
leader, and it is not the role or duty of Google to tell China how to
rule itself... even when [it]
goes against the grain of American views of free speech. engines, even truncated ones, will contribute to
the economic and political development of China... So Google should happily contribute to this effort, doing what it
does, and avoiding the hubris of thinking it is responsible for China...
The State of the Union by Annenburg: ... nothing factually incorrect, just selective use of statistics and... omission of facts that would make thee state of the union "less rosy."
H.E. Baber solves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Make the West Bank like Orange County, CA. Convert Palestinians into Californians. The Parish analyzes Southern Baptist politics [fun!]. Radosh sees Brokeback, which is doing well in Montana. Pam Spaulding on Alito's unexpected (!) supporting of a death-row inmate, with delightful feed back from "freepers" [?!] [via]. Bono Speaks Truth To Power [like Nathan to David?] [via]. Bob takes notes at Trinity's conference on reconciliation [Alison, I think, is the theologian - even more than Williams - informing progressive Anglicanism these days. It just had to be a openly Gay Roman Catholic]. Rainy Day comments upon "God-Fatigue" and the freedom to bash Catholics, and Storytelling comments on this cartoon-Islam controversy. Reverend Ref reminds us what is really important in light of the Super Bowl. It's not the Steelers... Holy Weblog on Thurgood Marshall's possible sainthood.
Cassandra writes on the via negativa. The via negativa does not negate beauty, life, light, and
love; in fact it is a way to begin to see and embody them as they
really are, existing side-by-side with their opposites, no longer
denied but accepted and held, gently, in the other hand.
But last, the Blog from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington has become my favorite Episcopal blog. It is extraordinarily well done, and is now on my regularly read column. It is up there with Thinking Anglican website.
Unfortunately, I've been quite sick for the last two days. Had to miss the Bishop of Washington play in his blues band. Hopefully I'll be well enough to avoid the bowl and hit the dance floor. We'll see....